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About Us

Welcome to Tilly&Wilbur® 
  Tilly&Wilbur® has been providing personalised clothing for special occasions since 2015. 
At Tilly&Wilbur® our mission is simple – to provide you with unique Australian designed and affordable Expressive Wear. 
Our vision for Tilly&Wilbur® is to continue making the world a better place, one tee at a time by making ethical choices for our business. Every small drop in the ocean of change creates a ripple effect and every one of us can make a difference. You can feel good about your Tilly&Wilbur® purchase because: 
♡ We source ethically produced and sustainable quality clothing garments
 ♡ We support fair trade practice which means no sweat shop labour 
♡ We use Australian made 100% post-consumer recycled packaging 
♡ We print in-house and recycle just about everything 
♡ We shop locally for as many of our resources as possible to reduce our carbon footprint 
♡ We are a team of strong independent women who believe in the social and psychological rewards of having great job satisfaction. We have a lot of fun whilst working hard and also believe in seeing everything through from start to finish, including a bottle of wine. We don't always get it right, but boy, do we try!
♡ We support other Australian small businesses as much as possible by using them as suppliers.
♡ We are great at keeping secrets which means 'mum’s the word’ when we’re the first to hear your special news.